How to Clean Stubborn Stains on Baseball Glove? (Quick Solution)

How to Clean Stubborn Stains on Baseball Glove? (Quick Solution)

One of my friends is a professional baseball player. He lost a perfect catch due to slipping off his baseball gloves in his last match. The primary reason for this slip was the sweat and dirt from the tough stains on his glove's surface.

Have you ever faced a similar situation in your life? Don’t worry! I have figured out the solution. 

You can fix these stubborn stains using the Eagle Glove Cleaner. I will share a complete guide to fix these stains, what will happen if you do not treat them on time, and a bonus tip to avoid stains in the future. You can explore the details in the blog.

What You’ll Need to Clean Your Glove?

Cleaning the stubborn stains on your baseball gloves is a challenging task. Therefore, you need the following supplies to do this job: 

A Microfiber cloth or a swab
◈ Clean tap water 
Eagle Glove Cleaner 
Eagle Glove Conditioner
Eagle Glove Oil  
◈ A Soft-bristled brush

Note: You will get all these supplies in the Eagle Baseball Glove Care Kit. You do not need to buy them separately.

Step-by-Step Guide to Remove Stubborn Stains

Fixing the tough stains on the baseball gloves is a challenging task. However, you can do it easily by following these easy steps:

Step 1: Wipe Out Loose Dirt

Start cleaning your baseball gloves by removing loose dirt, debris, and stains with a microfiber cloth or a brush.

Step 2: Cleaning With a Wet Cloth

Next, take a clean cloth and dip it in the mixture of water and soap. Rub this cloth on the stains in a circular motion. You will able to fix stains with this strategy. To remove the persistent stains move towards the next phase.

Step 3: Focused Cleaning of Persistent Stains

The baseball gloves are subject to various stubborn stains depending on your use. However, these are examples of some common tough stains: 
◈ Mud and the Dirt related Stains 
◈ Stains from sweat and Oils 
◈ Grassy Stains
◈ Stains from ink and Marker 

What is the solution?

You can fix these tough stains with Eagle Glove Cleaner. Put a small amount of the Eagle Glove Cleaner on the soft-bristled brush and rub on the stains in a circular motion. After that, remove the excessive cleaner with a cloth. 

Step 4: Dry the Baseball Glove 

Next, leave the baseball glove to dry in a well-aerated place at room temperature. Avoid putting it in direct sunlight or dry it with a hairdryer to avoid damage to the glove fibers.

Step 5: Apply Glove Conditioner

Once the glove becomes completely dry, apply the Eagle Glove Conditioner in a small amount with the help of a clean cloth or applicator brush. It will restore its shine and flexibility to avoid future cracking.

Fixing persistent stains on baseball gloves with this method will help restore the elegance of your gloves and improve user experience. Moreover, it will also increase its lifespan.

How to Clean Stubborn Stains on Baseball Glove? (Quick Solution)

Also Read: 3 Simple Steps to Dry and Restore Rain-Soaked Gloves (Instant Results)

What Happens If You Don’t Clean Stains Properly?

Everything you wear in your daily routine should be clean. The same goes for your baseball gloves. If you do not remove stains from gloves timely, it can create the following problems:

➜ Stiffness in Gloves

The baseball gloves are made with premium organic leather. If you do not clean stains properly, the dirt and stains will make them hard and flexible, resulting in poor performance in the field.

➜ Reduced Glove lifespan

Accumulated dirt and sweat in the stains weaken the glove fibers, leading to early wear and tear. Therefore, these neglected stains decrease the lifespan of baseball gloves.

➜ Unpleasant Smell from Stains

Bacteria and molds love the sweat and dirt gathered in the stains on your baseball gloves. So, when these stains are left untreated, they can create a bad odor that makes it difficult to wear gloves.

➜ Stains Become Difficult to Remove

When the mud and sweat stains are not fixed for an extended period, they are incorporated into your baseball gloves and are ultimately difficult to remove. Well-preserved gloves are easy to wear and retain for a longer time. Therefore, you should not wait for the stains to become permanent, and clean your gloves regularly to keep them in good condition.

Bonus Tip

Regularly apply the Eagle Glove Conditioner on your baseball gloves to create a protective layer and secure your baseball gloves from stubborn stains. Moreover, clean your gloves after every game. It will help to avoid dirt buildup and the development of tough stains.


You need to clean the stains from your baseball to have a clean appearance and for better performance in the field. Additionally, it will increase the lifespan of your gloves. 

Therefore, fix these tough stains as soon as possible to avoid damage to your gloves. Follow these easy guidelines and make your baseball gloves look new!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the best baseball glove cleaner?

The Eagle Glove Cleaner is the best baseball glove cleaner available on My Shoe Supplies.

Q2: Where can I get a baseball cleaning kit online?

You can order a baseball cleaning kit from the My Shoe Supplies website.

Q3: How can I clean the inside of a baseball glove?

You can do it using a wet cloth dipped in the Eagle Glove Cleaner. Focus especially on the finger area because it stores most of the dust. Next, apply Eagle Glove Conditioner if needed.

Q4: How can I clean a baseball glove using shaving cream?

Take the shaving cream in small amounts on a wet cloth and rub it on the glove surface in a circular motion. Focus especially on the most dirty parts of the glove. Later, remove the excessive cream with another cloth. After that, leave the glove in the sunshine to dry.

Q5: How can I make my baseball glove soft very quickly?

The more you use the baseball glove, the earlier it will become soft. You can speed up this process by putting a wooden mallet or a dumbbell in the glove’s pocket. 


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