5 Common Shoe Repair Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

5 Common Shoe Repair Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them) 2025

Anybody who wears his shoes daily can be subject to frequent wear and tear in the shoe body. Ultimately, shoe repair is the option.

However, we usually make 5 common mistakes, such as using the wrong sole and adhesive, ignoring minor scratches, not conditioning the leather surface, and improperly installing heel plates.

I will explain these mistakes briefly and provide relevant solutions. Explore the details in the blog. 

5 Common Shoe Repair Mistakes and Solutions

You need to perform shoe repairing tasks with extreme care. I have listed here 5 common shoe-repairing mistakes and their relevant solution: 

1: Using the Wrong Type of Sole

An incorrect kind of sole installation during the shoe repair is a mistake. It can harm your shoes and feet in the following ways: 

Lower Comfort: It can reduce the comfort level of your shoes by impacting their design.

Less Durable:
The unfit sole can wear out early because it does not fit your shoe size.

Compromised Look:
An unsuitable sole can deteriorate the elegance of your shoe due to an over or under-size shoe look.

◈ What is the Solution?

You should use a shoe sole that matches your shoe size, material, and appearance. I will suggest to you, from my experience, to try these soles while repairing your shoes: 

Vibram Black 100 Montagna Full Sole
Shoe Repair Replacement Rubber Heels and Soles Black 1 Pair
Goodyear Men's Neolite Rubber Heels

2: Not Conditioning Leather Before Repairing/ After Cleaning

It is a common practice that you do not condition leather before repairing and after cleaning your shoe. It can have various damaging effects, such as: 

Dryness in Leather: Cleaning leather without conditioning can dry out and brittle it due to the deficiency of natural oils. It increases the chances of cracking and wear-outs in leather surfaces.

Weak Glue Bonding:
The layer of glue or adhesive will not hold properly without applying conditioner on the leather shoe. It can result in weak bonding of your shoe.

Dull Appearance: Without conditioning the leather surface always looks faded and rough.

Reduced Shoe life:
Continuously ignoring conditioning can cause the weakening of leather fiber and a decrease in the life of your shoe.

◈ How can You Avoid This Mistake?

You can escape these negative effects of not using conditioner by cleaning first, then using a leather cream, conditioner, or oil, and then repairing your shoes. I have listed here some conditioning products with proven results.

Leather Cleaner and Conditioner
Leather Cleaner and Conditioner Kit
Eagle Leather Boot Oil for Work Boots, Cowboy Boots, & Shoes

3: Improper Heel Plate Installation

Heel plates are necessary to increase your shoe life and shield them from early wear out. However, installing them wrong is a common mistake during shoe repair. It can cause the following problems with your body and shoes: 

Source of Fatigue: Improperly fixed heel plates can make shoes unbalanced, which can cause pain and fatigue in the feet.

Fasten Wear Out:
Uneven installation of heel plates increases the chances of heel damage and wear out. It can reduce the life of your shoe.

Unpleasant Sound:
Badly attached heel plates can create annoying sounds that can disturb you during walking.

◈ How Can you Correct this Mistake?

If you have already made this shoe repair mistake or want to avoid it in the future, first of all, you should choose premium-quality heel plates. I suggest you buy Eagle Metal Heel Taps Plates.

These metal plates will give your shoes a strong grip and durability. Secondly, install them properly. You can learn how to install heel plates on your shoes from this tutorial.

4: Using Low-Quality Adhesives

Applying an adhesive is an important part of your shoe-repairing journey. However, utilizing a poor-quality adhesive can be a serious mistake that can lead to the following issues in your shoe:  

Unstable Bonding: A low-quality adhesive will not give your shoe a strong bond. It will break easily after some time.

Damaging Shoe Materials:
Mismatched shoe adhesive can damage shoe materials such as rubber, synthetic materials, and leather. It can destroy your shoe instead of repairing it.

Deteriorating Shoe Appearance:
Poor-quality adhesive can leave glaring marks and stains on your shoe surface. Your shoe look will not be the same again.

◈ What Should you Do?

You can fix this mistake by selecting a quality adhesive, applying adhesive according to the manufacturer's guidelines, and properly preparing your surface.

I have good news for you. You can get all kinds of adhesives required for your shoes at MY SHOE SUPPLIES. I have listed here some highly used adhesives for shoe repair:

Barge All-Purpose Cement Rubber Leather Shoe Waterproofing Glue

5 Common Shoe Repair Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

5: Overlooking Scratches and scuffs

Scratches and Scuffs are bound to happen if you wear your shoes daily. Ignoring them while shoe repairing can be a big mistake. It can impact your shoe in the following ways:

Turning into Big Damage: Ignoring minor scratches and scuffs can turn into major damage, declining your shoe quality.

Impacting shoe Looks:
Even if you repair the scratches, they leave some marks and stains on the shoe surface. It will affect the visual appeal of the shoe pair.

Making Material Vulnerable:
Scratches can uncover the inner layer of your shoe material, making it vulnerable to dirt, moisture, and other environmental factors.

◈ What is the Solution?

You can correct and refrain from this mistake by inspecting your shoe completely, using relevant shoe care products, and taking protective measures. I have listed here two highly used and recommended products to look after for shoe scratches and scuffs. 

For Shoe Scratches: Leather Cleaner and Conditioner

For Shoe Scuffs: Leather Filler for Filling or Repairing Holes, Tears, Cracks, Scratches

Practical Tips for Care and Maintenance of shoes

Fixing common mistakes is enough to increase your shoe life. You should also follow these practical tips to keep them for a longer period: 

Cleaning: Regularly clean and maintain your shoes to remove dirt, debris, and minor scratches. It will help to save your shoe pair from big damage.

Store your shoes in a cool and dry place to avoid direct sunlight. It can fade your shoe surface.

Use in Turn:
Do not use the same shoe pair every day. Instead,replace it with another one to increase its lifespan.

Store your shoes in breathable fabric instead of plastic bags to avoid moisture and the issue of bad odor.


Avoiding these common shoe repair mistakes and following practical tips for shoe care will make you an expert in shoe care and maintenance.

Please adopt a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) approach for shoe repair instead of seeking a professional. It will reduce your costs and give you a learning experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is the meaning of a defective shoe?

A shoe becomes defective when an adhesive binds the shoe body with the broken sole. It can be a human error during manufacturing or irresponsible use of shoes.

Q2: What is the common shoe problem?

Weak adhesive and unstable shoe bonding are the most common shoe problems. They are curable with a quality adhesive such as Barge All-Purpose Cement Rubber Leather Shoe Waterproofing Glue.

Q3: How can you assess shoe quality?

Evaluating the inner sole for full lining from heel to toe can tell a lot about shoe comfort and quality.

Q4: How to fix coming off shoe sole?

Clean the shoe-separating area with a cloth, apply a quality adhesive, and place it back on the spot by putting a weight on it or fixing it with clamps.

Q5: How to prevent shoe damage?

Clean the shoe after every wear to remove dirt, debris, salt, and other materials to prevent damage and increase life.


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